We want to give you the best possible service. Should you experience dissatisfaction with the service or become dissatisfied with a bill you receive from M1 Law and wish to make a formal complaint, please follow our Complaints Procedure set out below and we will do our very best to resolve the matter promptly and fairly to your satisfaction:

Stage 1: As a first point of contact, you should telephone or write to the person handling your matter, stating clearly that you are making a Complaint. They will pass the Complaint to a Complaints Handler, who will acknowledge your complaint. The Complaints Handler will attempt to resolve your Complaint in the first instance, normally within 14 days.

Stage 2: In the event of the Complaints Handler being unable to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction within 14 days, at your request a Partner will investigate the issues you have raised. The Partner will review the relevant files and the work undertaken on your behalf and will submit M1 Law’s final response to you. You should normally receive a written final response within 6 weeks of the date of your complaint being referred for Stage Two review. We will inform you if it is likely to take longer.

Updated: 19/08/2024.