M1 Law General Terms and Conditions for the Use of Our Website

Our website, M1 Law Europe S.L. (‘M1 Law’) provides you with general useful information, ideas and suggestions which are not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice may only be provided by a qualified professional adviser who is familiar with your individual circumstances and who has fully obtained your specific instructions about your matter.

M1 Law are not able to obtain your full instructions online and because some of the advice provided on our website is not given by qualified legal advisors, you should not construe anything said on our website or on any documents downloaded from our website, including purchased documents as legal advice. Contracts and documents which you view or purchase through our website are only intended to be used and were only designed and created as templates which require tailoring and adaptation to the specific requirements of your case, matter or transaction. Contracts, documents and information almost always need to be adapted, changed and amended to fit to your specific and unique needs and because the contracts, documents and information on our website have not been specifically tailored to your personal needs we will not, under any circumstances be liable for any consequences following your use of such contracts, documents or information.

You can instruct us formally to review, approve and amend contracts, documents and information before implementing them for a particular situation and in such circumstances, you will retain our services for doing so separately and once a retainer between us has been formed and once we have obtained your specific and individual instructions, we will accept responsibility for any advice given in person or over the telephone.

To avoid any doubt, unless we confirm to you in writing that a retainer between M1 Law and yourself has been created, no such retainer will ever be created and you accept that the use of contracts, documents and information from our website does not in any way constitute a solicitor/client relationship. Even if a solicitor/client relationship already exists between us, our online contracts, documents and information do not constitute advice to you on a specific problem, even if we discussed a similar matter with you previously.

It is likely that your matter and needs are unique and that the correct advice to you is different to the information that we publish in our contracts, documents and information online, you should contact us if you require such advice.

Therefore, please use the contracts, documents and information that we publish online in conjunction with appropriate, personal legal advice before acting on it and by obtaining contracts, documents and information through our website, whether paid or unpaid you accept that any action you do take without legal advice in reliance on such contracts, documents and information is entirely at your own risk.

M1 Law expressly disclaim any and all liability or warranties, express or implied as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained from the contracts, documents and information on our website and by making use of such contracts, documents and information you accept that the information contained therein could be subject to human errors or changes in the law and that you will have no claim whatsoever against M1 Law if such information is found to be inaccurate, mistaken or out of date.

Due to the nature of the internet and the possibility of third party interference, M1 Law’s website as well as third party links to and from the website is not guaranteed to be free of all viruses and technical defects of any description. M1 Law will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by such third party interference as a result of your use of the Website.

M1 Law owns the copyright in the contracts, documents and information and give you a licence to use the contracts, documents and information but not to provide the contracts, documents and information or any part of it, for re-sale, re-publication or re-distribution or for free use by others. You may not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the contracts, documents and information on M1 Law’s website, save to adapting any contract templates purchased from the M1 Law website for your own personal use or for that of your own business. Redistribution or re-publication of any material, products, or information may only be done with the express written permission of M1 Law.

Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property contracts, documents and information on the M1 Law website rights shall remain with M1 Law.

M1 Law does not grant you a licence to sell on the contracts, documents and information for commercial gain, nor is there a licence to adapt and sell on to others.

Updated 19/08/2024.